Monday, November 1, 2010

Robert Zemeckis Passed on Superman:The Man of Steel

Robert Zemeckis says he passed on Superman:the Man of Steel "faster than a speeding bullet".
Before it was announced that Zach Snyder would helm the upcoming Superman:The Man of Steel there were numerous directors rumored to be connected with the film. Robert Zemeckis was among the list of rumored directors considering the job. MTV had the opportunity to ask him about the rumor.

"I passed on that faster than a speeding bullet."

You must have read that on the internet," he said of the rumors. "Don't trust everything you read on the internet! Isn't everything true on the internet?"

"When they asked if I wanted to make the, what is it, seventeenth version of 'Superman,' I said, 'No, I don't think so.'" 

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