Thursday, November 4, 2010

Lionsgate Picks Up The Rights For Dredd

Lionsgate today announced that they have picked up the U.S. distribution rights for IM Global's Dredd, reported by Variety.

Lionsgate films have picked up the distribution rights for the 2000AD comic book character Judge Dredd, titled simply Dredd as well as two other films as yet, not known.

"Dredd starts production on November 12 in Cape Town, South Africa and will be filmed in 3D. It will be directed by Pete Travis and has a budget of $45 million.

The movie takes us to the wild streets of Mega City One, the lone oasis of quasi-civilization on Cursed Earth. Judge Dredd (Karl Urban) is the most feared of elite Street Judges, with the power to enforce the law, sentence offenders and execute them on the spot - if necessary.

Alex Garland wrote the Dredd script based on John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra's comic strip."

Lionsgate did really well with its recent Stallone release The Expendables and its looking to capitalise on this with Pete Travis' Dredd, Boaz Yakin's Safe and Simon West's Protection.

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